Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Chiang Mai, Thailand: 11/18/15

Today we went on a full day group excursion to the Patara Elephant Farm. After being driven up a huge winding mountain, we were greeted by 3 elephants - mother and 2 kids. One was only a few months old and was absolutely adorable. The elephants were extremely friendly and the baby was especially playful. She was going right up to people, nudging them the way a dog would for attention, and then actually rolling onto them playfully.

After we all took a bunch of pictures, we were briefed on the camp mission and the activities for the day. The camp prides itself on their elephant farm management and breeding programs, and made it very clear that this was not about seeing elephants do tricks. Rather, it was about helping rehabilitate elephants in need and setting them back on track. 

We each were assigned an elephant and became its caretaker for the day, along with the dedicated trainer. First we fed them sugar cane and bananas, gave them water and rinsed them off. Then we learned commands in Thai and actually rode them for an hour down a crazy path with rocks and trees and all kinds of obstacles. Let me tell you - it was hard! You have to sit on their neck so their shoulder blades don't throw you off when they move their legs and rest your knees on their ears. You have one rope loop behind you to hold and then you can rest the other hand on their head. My arms and inner thighs were shaking after and so sore the next day! 

After we got to the river, they had a wonderful lunch spread set out for us including fried chicken, several types of rice packaged up in banana leaves, tons of exotic fruit, and a bunch of fried desserts like fried banana and coconut patty cakes. 

Next it was time to bathe the elephants in the river. We used baskets to splash water all over them and scrub their skin with a brush. It was actually really fun to play with them in the water. There was a photo opp moment for each couple and they had the elephants spray us with water from their trunks. 

We then returned back to the camp and concluded the day. It was such a fun, interactive experience for us and we were in awe of the gentle nature of these giants.

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